Nov 29, 2006

reminisce part 2

i feel like a coffee bean surrounded by cement and siong wei is the ITE boy shovelling the cement. haha. we look cute.

Nov 21, 2006

reminisce part 1

if you could relive one day of your life, which would it be?

Saw this question on some random blog.
Without a moment's hesitation, i would choose my Secondary school promenade.

Held at the Raffles TownClub (=/) it was a night of beauty and glamour.

the hottest class =D


you can barely recognise them.


I cant find the photos i took with scouts!!!! oh no.

If i could relive just one day, it would be that day.

Nov 18, 2006

oh no

He is robinho; Real madrid and Brazil fame.

I want his boots!!!!!!

haha never mind.
We lost 1-0 to JJC.
It was my fault. Having chased this zai guy for the whole of the match, i was left chasing his shadow for the last five minutes.

When he ran past me, i was so tired i just let him pass. From the resulting kick he played the striker and that guy scored.

In the 88th minute.


But to have held the 3rd in the nations to 2 minutes to a credible draw while missing 7 key players (Greg, Felix, Kc, Hee, Shangji, Seng, Cherngchu), i felt we did well.

I sucked however.

Nov 17, 2006


i was raped!


The moment i reached Sentosa everyone was like "bond ah!!!!"

I was left stranded, naked totally BUTT NAKED in the sea while everyone wanted to bury my underwear. like wtf.

And i think there were jellyfish in the water. i felt stings. ouch.

I think it was a rather succcessful class outing, considering the relative success/attendance/enthusiasm rates of our previous outings.

We had fun with 06s75 balancing the guy/girl ratio to a more respectable and credible level.Females of 06s68; you should be ashamed of yourselves.

And in a flash, one year of my life as a JC student is over. Have i wasted it? i don't know. I had fun; at least i THINK i did. I learnt more about myself this year than any other. How i react to stress and committment. I guess i also saw the ugly side of students; students who are only concerned about the grades they get and not the way they get them.

I learnt about many things i guess...

TOmorrow; match against jjc. hope we win.

Nov 15, 2006


Tuesday: Had training as usual. Did basically routine stuff, yet i felt myself getting better and better. My shots though not fantastic, certainly felt better. The dynamics within the team certainly felt better now, with something that sort of resembles team spirit. I felt i sort of impressed during the after training game, with me assisting two goals and scoring one for our 3-1 win. yupp. pro =D

This was a break from my usual "fuck-lah-should-have-tried-harder" mentality that i suffer from after every training. I seriously hope i can start for the tournament next year; maybe score against NJC. heh.

soccer is consuming me. seriously. I know many around me, my family included feel that i am wasting my time; fighting so hard, giving up precious time for something which in which i have no chance of winning. My parents feel i should get a job and not waste their hard earned money buying icecream and NewUrbanMale slippers. I guess i always enjoyed, took pride in what people felt were nonsense. No matter what detractors say, i am proud of who i am, what i am, and what i have done.

When im old, wrinkled and a little less tall,dark and handsome i would feel proud, knowing that at one point of my life, i have given my all, strived to be the better individual, person, and player in the hope of what might have been nothing but a pipe dream. But all greatness started from dreams.

but then, this might all remain as a dream.

Nov 11, 2006

PW is over. get out of my life.

Its been a long 8 months or so since we started.

We loathed it but as i went on i developed a sort of grudging respect for it.

It certainly taught me skills, irrelevant to my life as it may seem.

substantiating, filing, evaluating.

I guess one day it might be useful, though i still have no idea why.

It seems like Mount everest.

While climbing the mountain you might be like " I hate climbing and im going to buy a KFC family feast and finish it and damn you may you get blown into pieces and i wish the world was as flat as a teenage girl's chest."

When you finish, you respect it.

haha. rubbish.


Tomorrow is West coast CC open house. the west coast eagle scouts affiliated from River Valley fame have set up a stall. Hope you all will go.

FIshing. heh.

Nov 8, 2006

tomorrow is it.
Oral presentation.
give me my five minutes.
give me my a1.
oh yeah.

Nov 4, 2006


haha im a bookworm!

Been going to the library so often these days. Borrowing book after book after book. I think i read more after promos than before. hmm. weird.

Anyway threw away my T90 pair of boots. after 4 months and about 60 sessions of football it has finally reached its end. the side tore and the studs are eroded. Godspeed. ?It has certainly served me well, providing snug support and excellent control.

Looking for new boots to buy. yupp.